
Our purpose is to worship and obey God by:
• Introducing people to Jesus Christ,
• Encouraging membership in the Church,
• Equipping people for ministry, and
• Sending people into the community to proclaim and share the good news of Jesus Christ.


We will communicate to those around us the good news of God’s free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, and encourage individuals to experience the love of God and to grow in His love.

We will provide a warm welcome for people to come together to worship God and to glorify His name.

By our example, we will encourage others to incorporate their faith and love of God into everyday life.

We will equip people to proclaim and share the good news of Jesus Christ by providing training in the beliefs of Christian faith.

We will support the spiritual leadership of our church through prayer and participation.

We will encourage responsible stewardship by the effective use of time, talents and money as a way of life.

We will encourage each other to study daily the Word of God which is the foundation of our faith.

We will provide instruction and opportunity for individuals to become communicant members of Knox Church.